Grow with Shopmonkey Grow

E-commerce is still developing at a rapid pace. Continued development of your webshop is therefore essential. Standing still is going backwards compared to your fellow providers in the market. Shopmonkey offers GROW, an innovative solution to work together on the growth of your e-commerce webshop.

Grow with <span>Shopmonkey Grow</span>
What is Grow?

We offer something much better than the standard way of working in which a customer says he wants something, the contractor says how much it will cost and then there is time for it in two or sometimes four weeks. 

With GROW, you take out a subscription for a fixed number of hours per week. This means that you 'reserve' time with our developers on a fixed weekday, there is guaranteed availability, you receive a fixed hourly rate and you have the certainty that your request will be carried out within a maximum of one week.

You will work with us as a team using the planning tool Trello. This way you have direct contact with your regular developer. In Trello you can indicate the urgency of your requests. So you decide what we pick up first. And with the fixed hourly rate, you know exactly where you stand in terms of costs.

Guaranteed available
On a fixed weekday
With a fast turnaround time
Short lines
A fixed hourly rate
Always up-to-date
Grow easy
Grow at your own pace with 2 hours of adjustment per week for 12 months.
  • Fixed point of contact
  • Lead time max. 1 week
  • Access Shopmonkey CRM
  • We proactively spot opportunities
  • Development environment
  • Fixed evaluation moment
  • Shopmonkey Apps
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Grow steady 🔥
Grow at a rapid pace with 4 hours of adjustment per week for 6 months.
  • Fixed point of contact
  • Lead time max. 1 week
  • Access Shopmonkey CRM
  • We proactively spot opportunities
  • Development environment
  • Fixed evaluation moment
  • Shopmonkey Apps
Contact us More information
Burst out of your depth with 8 hours of adjustment per week, from 3 months.
  • Fixed point of contact
  • Lead time max. 1 week
  • Access Shopmonkey CRM
  • We proactively spot opportunities
  • Development environment
  • Fixed evaluation moment
  • Shopmonkey Apps
Contact us More information
What is the lead time for adjustments within Grow?
The turnaround time for implementing your changes is a maximum of one week. This is because we schedule a fixed number of hours for you each week!
For which platforms do you offer Grow?
Shopmonkey Grow is for you when you have a Lightspeed eCommerce or Shopify based webshop, or want to start one.
I am using a theme/template, is Grow something for me?
Then it is certainly something for you. Continuous development is good for every shop. Grow also offers many advantages, such as a development environment, and your desired adjustments are always made within one week.
Projects outside Grow, what happens to them?
Large projects that fall outside the scope of Grow and cannot be divided into weekly adjustments will be calculated and charged separately. Of course this will always be discussed well in advance.
How does the communication work?
The communication is mainly via the CRM. In addition, you will have a member of staff as your permanent contact person, with whom you can have contact both by phone and by e-mail.