Are you using WebP yet?

The fastest loading times and the sharpest images? Then you've come to the right place! Our Image Converter is specially designed for Lightspeed users who aim to optimize their webshop.

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Are you using <span>WebP</span> yet?
  1. We retrieve your current images using the Lightspeed API
  2. The image converter downloads and backs up
  3. After this, all images are converted to WebP
  4. The image converter reinserts all the images and you're good-to-go!

Faster loading

Because WebP files are smaller in size, it takes less time to load them, naturally resulting in faster loading times for your shop!

Better performance

WebP files are optimized for the web and mobile display, making your store accessible to a broader audience!

Keep quality

WebP files are smaller and optimized, yet they retain the same quality as JPEG and PNG images!


Up to 1000 images

  • Product images
  • Variant images
  • Category images
  • Blog images
  • Brand images



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From 1000 up to 2500 images

  • Product images
  • Variant images
  • Category images
  • Blog images
  • Brand images



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From 2500 up to 10.000 images

  • Product images
  • Variant images
  • Category images
  • Blog images
  • Brand images



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From 10.000 up to 50.000 images

  • Product images
  • Variant images
  • Category images
  • Blog images
  • Brand images



Contact us

Using the Image Converter tool is simple as it runs in the background. If you have any questions about or would like to use the Image Converter, feel free to contact us anytime!

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How to <span>start</span>?